Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How do we imitate animal sounds in different languages?

quack quack
coin coin
quack quack
cua cua
kwak kwak
croa croa
quaak quaak
croac croac
kwak kwak

Not only words  but also sounds can be translated! Being ISO certified we do it all with the highest quality! Want to know more about the services we offer? Go check us out at

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Do you understand his English?

It's only Tuesday! There is a lot left from this week! So, it's time to laugh a little and be positive!

Hahahahaha...I hope this video helps you make it through the day! And if you need some subtitling more complicated than this video, with that I mean in another language, we are here to help!

Don't forget we are ISO certified! Therefore, you know for sure that your intended audience will definitely understand you!

Click on this link to see some of our subtitling work:

For more information, visit us at

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Do you speak English? Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Hello everyone!

Here is a funny video for you to laugh a little on this dull Thursday weather!

Maybe these guys can't help. But we definitely CAN! Plus, we are no joke! We are ISO certified! Visit us at for more information!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How much would you rely on this new phone app as a translator?

This instant visual translation app is said to be two times faster and more accurate than Google Translate. Google is 0 (zero) accurate. That times 2? How accurate do you think could be?

Want something guaranteed to be very accurate? Go to

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Have you tried Youtube caption translation tool yet?

Here are some proofs this tool cannot be trusted!

Unlike Youtube caption translator, we do provide the highest quality and the most accurate translation. You translated work cannot be a joke!

For more information visit us at

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Now Youtube with a translation tool too?

It seems like Twitter is not the only one creating a translation tool! Youtube has created a translation tool for captions.

Look at the pros and cons New Media Rocktar have given us.

Pros: Volunteer captioning is available in over 300 languages from Italian to Inuktitut. Best part — it’s free!
Cons: No guarantees that translation will be the way you want and on time since it’s all done manually and on a volunteer basis.

Don't you think the cons really outweigh the pros?

Don't want to take risks? We are ISO certified and you can always trust us because we guarantee the best and most accurate translation! Visit us at

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How accurate can twitter translation tool be?

Hi all!

Did you know that we may soon have a translation tool for tweets? According to ABC News Twitter is testing a tweet translation tool!

How accurate do you think it will be? Won't it be like another Google Translate type of translation?

Check it out yourself and let us know what you think!

With our ISO certification you know we will always provide the best quality and the most accurate translation! So go check us out at!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Can anyone tell me what they are trying to say?

Polite Language and No noising? This is one of the most awkward translation I have read!

Please, not the same translation in a warning sign!

For more funny translations go to

These are they type of translations that LingPerfect would never make because we are ISO certified! High quality will always be guaranteed! 
Visit us at and don't confuse anyone!

Monday, July 15, 2013

What are you thinking?

Here is a funny video that will make your day even though it is a Monday!

Next time you need help please don't look for this German coast guard! We are a much better option! Check us out at

Friday, July 12, 2013

Who doesn't like laughing?

Here is joke for a happy Friday!

An American is on vacation in the Netherlands when, driving through the countryside, he spots a beautiful little farm. So he pulls up on the driveway to have a closer look. Unfortunately, he doesn't pay attention and crushes a couple of chickens in the process.
The farmer comes out of his house, fuming.
The American tries to tell him to "keep quiet".
To which the Dutch farmer replies: "Kiep kwait? Kiep kwait? K bun wel duzend kiepen kwait!"

(For those who are not familiar with Dutch dialects: The words "keep quiet" sound almost the same as the Dutch rural dialect "kiep kwait", which means "chicken gone". ("Chicken gone? I've lost at least a dozen chicken!")

Don't want your real life to be a joke? We can definitely help you with that! Go visit us at

Thursday, July 11, 2013

10 Funny English-Spanish Translation Fails!

Have you translated anything from one language to another?

Look at these 10 Funny English-Spanish Translation Fails!

Want to know about these mistakes? Go to

Don't want to make these mistakes and damage the image of your business? We are here to help! Visit us at

Monday, July 1, 2013

Same meaning different word/Different word same meaning

Spanish is really not universal!

Look at how something is called differently in the different Spanish speaking countries!
English Phrase
Translations by Country
Most: albaricoque
Argentina, Chile, Uruguay: damasco
Mexico: chabacano
In Spain: saying that someone is "chabacano" means he is vulgar.
Most: bebé
Argentina, Uruguay: beba (girl), bebe (boy)
Chile: guagua
In Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and the Canary Islands: a "guagua" is a bus.
Most: bicho
Mexico: insecto
In Puerto Rico: "bicho" has a sexual meaning (it's a key part of the male anatomy). A bug killer was once translated as "mata bichos" and, as you can imagine, this sounded very funny in Puerto Rico.
Most: pastel
Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, Venezuela: torta
Bolivia, Costa Rica: queque
Colombia: ponqué, torta
Cuba: cake
Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico: bizcocho
Panama: cake, dulce
Peru: queque, torta
Spain: tarta
"Torta" in Mexico means "sandwich" (torta de jamón)
“Torta” in the Dominican Republic is most of the time refer to the whip cream thrown into people’s faces in TV shows
Car trunk
Mexico: "cajuela", in other countries "maletero", "baúl"
Department Store
Mexico: "cajuela", in other countries "maletero", "baúl"
Most: grandes almacenes
Cuba: tienda
Colombia: almacén grande
Costa Rica: tienda de departamentos
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Venezuela: tienda por departamentos
Mexico: tienda departamental
Panama: Almacén
Mexico: elevador, in most countries "ascensor"
Most: anteojos
Colombia: gafas, lentes
Cuba, Puerto Rico: espejuelos
Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, México, Venezuela: lentes
Spain: gafas
"Anteojos" is an old fashioned word in Mexico.
“Gafa” in Venezuela mean dumb girl
Grocery Store
Colombia: mercado
Costa Rica: compras
Cuba: bodega
Dominican Republic: víveres
El Salvador: pulpería
Guatemala: tienda
Mexico: super, tienda de abarrotes
Panama: abarrotería
Puerto Rico: colmado
Spain, Venezuela: supermercado
Uruguay: almacén
Hello? (answering telephone)
Most: ¿Dígame?
Argentina, Bolivia: ¿Hola?
Cuba: ¿Oigo?
Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Venezuela: ¿Aló?
Mexico: ¿Bueno?
Panama, Puerto Rico: ¿Haló?
Uruguay: ¿Aló? ¿Hola?
Hot pepper
Most: chile
Bolivia, Chile, Venezuela, Peru: ají
Colombia, Cuba, Panama, Puerto Rico: ají picante
Costa Rica: chile picante
Ecuador: pimiento picante
Spain: guindilla
Most: chaqueta
Argentina: campera
Dominican Republic, Panama: saco
Mexico: chamarra
Peru: casca
Puerto Rico: blazer (women), gabán (men)
In Spain, for example, a "saco" is a large bag, for example, a large bag of potatoes. In Mexico "saco" is used for suits.
Most: césped
Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Peru: pasto
Colombia: hierba, manga, pasto, prado
Cuba, Dominican Republic: yerba
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela: grama
Puerto Rico: grama, pasto
In Spain: "pasto" is grass for animals (for grazing) and "grama" is a type of grass for the lawn.
Most: panecillo
Argentina, Colombia: muffin
Bolivia: pancito
Guatemala: mollete
Mexico: muffin, panqué, pastelito
Peru: quequito
Venezuela: ponqué
In some countries: "panecillo" is a dinner roll and "panqué" is a pancake.
Cuba: rositas de maíz
Argentina: pochoclo
Venezuela: cotufa
Spain: palomitas, palomitas de maíz
 “Palomitas” can also mean little pigeons
Mexico: banqueta, acera
In many countries: "acera"
In Spain: "banqueta" is a bench

This is one of the many reason you love us and not Google Translate!

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