Thursday, June 20, 2013

We are finally ISO Certified!

After many months of hard work we are very happy to announce... LingPerfect is now ISO certified!

What is ISO Certification? Why does it matter? Why do people pull their hair out for months on ends checking off boxes and jumping through  hoops to get it? For those of you who aren't aware, we've put together a very short overview below.

The International Organization for Standardization or better known as ISO was founded in 1947. It is an international standard-setting body formed by representatives from various national standards organizations.

When ISO began in 1926 as the International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations (ISA), it only concentrated in mechanical engineering. These days they have published more than 19,500 International Standards covering almost all aspects of technology and business, from food safety to computers, agriculture to healthcare. Once a company is ISO certified it ensures that products and services are safe, reliable and high quality.

ISO certification is not easy to obtain and there are eight very important steps a company must perform to acquire this certification according to

1.    Get commitment from top management to ensure success.

2.    Train all employees on the basics of quality.

3.    Prepare your quality policy manual.

4.    Document operating procedures.

5.    Perform an internal audit.

6.    Select an ISO certification agency to use.

7.    Have the certification agency perform the audit.

8.    If you pass the audit, congratulations!

With our ISO 9001 and EN 15038 certifications, you will be guaranteed a high level of quality assurance at every stage of your project. Our ISO 9001 certification qualifies that our internal systems are effective, consistent and efficient. The second certification, EN 15038, reflects the dedication to customer service that is built into our systems. It shows that we strive to meet the highest expectations and requirements for all our customers with every project. 

An additional reason ISO certification is significant, is that in certain industries, such as pharmaceuticals, translations must be completed be ISO certified companies. This requirement is laid out in the regulatory guidelines for this industry. The reasons behind the guidelines are perfectly understandable if you recognize this industry is one that must follow strict processes and procedures to produce high quality, safe, effective products. Working with an ISO certified company gives the added reassurance that there won't be extremely dangerous or costly mistakes from mistranslations.

For more information on translation services from an ISO certified company, please visit us at


  1. Congratulations on getting your ISO certification! Hopefully, the news gets around and you get recognized a lot more for being certified. It was indeed a great choice to obtain certification. Now, more clients will come to recognize your company's capability in providing quality service. I hope more good things come to you and your business. Good luck!

    Barton Wilson @ International Standards Authority, Inc.

  2. Before putting my trust into a company, I first check if they have ISO certification. This is because being ISO certified means they are trusted. Their products and services are in a high standard. One of my most trusted company is PAPTI-ISO certified company in the Philippines.
